ORBERA™ Managed Weight Loss System
Gain the edge.
Lose the weight.
If you’ve tried all the weight loss tricks, diet plans, and hot new exercise trends -–all to no avail—then you’re in the right place. ORBERA™ is a 2-part weight loss system that starts with placing a soft gastric balloon in your stomach to encourage portion control and a one-year coaching program to help you keep the weight off. Start living the ORBERA™ life today!
Why do we offer intra-gastric balloon ORBERA™?
It is one of the most researched and validated devices for intra-gastric placement approved by FDA. Treating obesity is a difficult task. Obesity has many causes and requires multiple treatment and confinement approaches.
“While treating morbidly obese for many years I was missing modality for patients where diets are not enough but surgery is too much, for whatever reason…” Dr. Miro Uchal MD FACS FASMBS, Medical Director for Weight Loss Jacksonville Florida, says. “Now, finally, we have ORBERA™ gastric balloon in US to fill this gap”.

Who is a candidate for ORBERA™?
Any adult who wants to loose weight and fulfills criteria for balloon placement as approved by FDA. Please read carefully to see if you qualify:
How long is your ORBERA™ program?
We are proud to offer at least 12 months of support and follow up with ORBERA™ weight loss management system. This includes
- Initial Education And Free Assessment
- Pre-procedural Evaluation By Physician
- Placement Of Balloon In Gastroenterology Suite, Outpatient Procedure In Full Anesthesia For Comfort And Safety, Including Cost Of All Medications During And Immediately After Procedure
- Removal Of Balloon In Gastroenterology Suite, Outpatient Procedure In Full Anesthesia For Comfort And Safety, Including Cost Of All Medications During And Immediately After Procedure;
- Usually 6 Months After Placement Of ORBERA™ Balloon
- Cost Of Ballon
- Cost Of Extraction Kit
- Monthly Visits With Physician Or Life Style Coach Trained In ORBERA™ Patients For Follow Up
- Access To Group Sessions Presented By Zoom-in Program
- Access To Support Group Meetings Offered To Bariatric Patients
Where do I learn more?
Don’t hesitate and call us to schedule your free assessment today. We will gladly explain you how weight loss management system works and whether you are really candidate or not. We will help you start your weight loss as soon as possible or at your pace. No fees upfront.
How to schedule
Call 904-389-8871 ext. 261 and ask for ORBERA™ coordinator or sign up on website