We offer seminars/classes for different stages in the weight loss process. These seminars are free of charge. All you need to do is REGISTER ONLINE or call 904.389.8871.

Read below to pick the one that is right for you.


Introduction to Bariatric Nutrition (Pre-Op)

Offered to: Mandated for all patients scheduled for weight loss surgery.

Time: 90 mins

During this ninety minute class patients will learn about necessary changes in diet and nutrition that are keys to success for bariatric patients. Additionally, you’ll learn strategies to break old behaviors and adopt healthy eating habits. It’s recommended patients participate in this class one month prior to their scheduled surgery.

Post-Operative Nutrition Class

Offered to: All patients who have already had weight loss surgery.

Time: 90mins

We offer three stages of post operative nutrition classes: Basic, Advanced and Intermediate.

  • The basic classes we recommend for patients 1 to 2 months of post-op..
  • The intermediate classes we recommend for patients 8 to 9 months of post-op.
  • The advanced classes we recommend for patients 5 to 6 months of post-op.

Post-Operative Behavior Modification Class

Offered to: All patients who have already had weight loss surgery.