
Barbara’s Story
"The reason I chose to have Bariatric Surgery was due to health reasons. I had been diagnosed with diabetes and also had high blood pressure . Now one year later I’ve lost 94 pounds and I am no longer a diabetic and my blood pressure is normal. The only regret I have is that I didn’t have the Bariatric Surgery sooner. Thanks Dr. Chappano."
Bob’s Story
"It was a struggle deciding whether or not to have this surgery done. I went to my family doctor to discuss it and have him talk me out of it, but when he walked in the room he said it was about time I do something about my weight. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, borderline diabetes and knee problems. I was concerned about not being around for my family and seeing my grandkids grow up. I thought about wanting to travel after I retire, and now I am able to do those things. I have lost 90 pounds and kept it off. There has never been a day that I regretted having the Lap Band surgery. This is the greatest thing I have ever done short of marrying my lovely wife."
David’s Story
"There were many years of dieting and the weight always return. Then after contracting Lyme disease several years ago I reach a weight of 344 lbs. While some of the weight was loss with exercise, I still weighed over 300 lbs. The lap band procedure offered a safe and responsible method of losing weight and maintaining the weight loss for the rest of my life. The lap band combined with exercise and eating health, I have begun to change my life."
Elizabeth’s Story
"My decision to have Gastric Band surgery is the best decision I have ever made for myself. I had tried multiple weight loss attempts in the past, but all had failed. I knew I had to do something, and so I turned to surgery as an option. I had surgery on July 17, 2007; I have lost 120 pounds since surgery. I will have to admit that the weight loss is nice; however, I have received so much more from this surgery. Before surgery I was pre-diabetic and had borderline hypertension (high blood pressure). I can gladly say that I am no longer facing these health risks. I also have more energy, my new-found energy has allowed me to do so many things that I would never have dreamed of doing before. I am able to exercise, play with my niece, and even go to the grocery store without tiring. I am also more outgoing and I feel much better about who I am as a person. This surgery and weight loss journey has completely changed my life! I have no regrets, it truly is the best decision I have ever made!"

Effective Weight Loss Procedures

Have you tried everything possible to get rid of extra weight, to no avail? If so, then you have come to the right place. At North Florida Bariatrics of Jacksonville FL, we offer a range of effective weight loss solutions that can get you the results that you want. Some of the procedures that we offer include bariatric surgery, weight loss surgery and gastric bypass surgery, giving Florida residents a wealth of options from which to choose.

Bariatric Surgery

Medical Weight Loss

Our Doctors

Working with the Professionals

Weight loss doctors are a dime a dozen these days, but you need to choose a doc weight loss professional who is experienced in offering quality weight loss solutions. At North Florida Bariatrics, we employ skilled professionals – including highly experienced bariatric surgeons – who know exactly what they need to do to get results. These are tried and true methods that have been proven again and again for thousands of patients.

Keeping the Weight Off

At North Florida Bariatrics, our team of bariatric surgeons and specialists will help ensure lasting results. We act as a team with our patients to keep them on track and educate them as much as possible on everything that is involved. We work with them every step of the way to ensure only the highest success rates.

Get Started Today

If you are considering a weight loss solution and bariatric surgery seems like the right choice for you, then do not waste another minute. Call North Florida Bariatrics today at (904) 389-8871 to start seeing results.